7481 10th Avenue, Burnaby, BC V3N 2S1
(604) 526-7121

OLM – Reminders and Important Information Dates

Hello OLM Parents,

Please see below for important information and dates coming up:

** Parish Tax Receipts – Will be going home today in your child’s backpack. Please check their bags **

** Reminder – Please notify the office always and first before notifying the teacher regarding an early dismissal, appointment or vacation. Everything needs to be in writing that includes that student’s name, grade and the reason for the absence. **

** Reminder – The staff parking lot is only for the staff. Please do not park there for any reason. **

** Reminder – If you move and have a new address, please let the school office and parish know as soon as possible. ** 


  • Annual General Meeting – In the gym at 7 p.m.
  • Re-Registration Packages to be handed out
  • Used Uniform Sale – Cash only – In gym, starting at 6:30 p.m.


  • National Pink Shirt Day – February 26th – A vibrant, national movement to fight bullying. It encourages everyone to wear pink shirts as a stand against bullying and brings people together, promoting kindness and inclusivity. This day also emphasizes that everyone has a role to play in promoting kindness and stopping bullying. The movement continues to grow spreading the message worldwide. The initiative started in Canada in 2007, in Nova Scotia when David Shepherd, Travis Price, and their teenage friends (twelfth-grade students) organized a high school protest to wear pink in sympathy with a grade 9 boy, who was being bullied for wearing his pink shirt. They took a stand against bullying when they protested the harassment of the grade 9 student by distributing pink T-shirts to all the boys in the school. They sent out a message to their schoolmates that night, and the next morning they hauled the shirts to school in a plastic bag. As they stood in the foyer handing out the shirts, the bullied boy walked in. His face spoke volumes and it looked like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. The bullies were never heard from again.


  • Ash Wednesday – Mass at 9:30 a.m.
  • Skating Reminder for Grades 3, 4 and 5


  • Photo Day – Class and Group Photos
  • Please make sure your child is dressed in full school uniform. No gym strips allowed and the students must be wearing their sweaters and cardigans. Any hair accessories worn must be navy.
  • All sports team uniforms must be brought and returned to school


  • Hip Hop Performance – In the gym at 1:30 p.m.


  • Student Led Conferences – Please reference the email sent out February 10th, for more information.
  • There will be no school for students during the day. Parents will come with their students at their chosen time just like how we did in November.
  • Registration Forms are DUE. Student Registration Verification – In the gym, starting at 1:30 – 6:30 p.m. 


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