7481 10th Avenue, Burnaby, BC V3N 2S1
(604) 526-7121


Our Lady of Mercy’s October Highlights

Food Drive Congratulations, OLM! Your donations brought in over 3,000 food items for a total of 1550 lbs. being donated to “Don’t Go Hungry” food bank in Burnaby. Our donation will help those in need. Kindness Quilt During our Kindness Week, students had the opportunity to make patches for a Kindness Quilt. Each square represented…
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OLM – Purdy’s Fundraiser 2024

Hello OLM Parents, It’s that time of the year again and we are thrilled to once again offer our Annual Purdy’s Fundraising. Thank you for being a part of our community and for your unwavering support. Please find the links for the information on the fundraiser and lists for each grade in your inbox. If you…
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Photo Retakes

This is a friendly reminder that Photo Retake day is on Monday October 28th. Please sign up using the link below if your child will be having retakes. About Retakes: Thank you,

Youth Cat Drop In Registration Redirect

Dear OLM Parents, For the families that use our afterschool program, we are working hard to fix our drop-in link as it is down at the moment. Please redirect registration inquiries to [email protected].  A friendly reminder that the end date for Youth Cat pre-registration is every 15th of the month prior.  For example, pre-registration date for December…
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